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Sunday 9 July 2017

SEERAGA KUZHAMU (சீரக குழம்பு)

                               SEERAGA KUZHAMU

 Tamarind           - 1 small lime size
Salt                     - 11/2 stp.
Sambar powder  - 1 stp
Mustard seed      - 1/2 tsp
cumin seeds         - 1/2 stp.
Red chilies’        - 4
Asafetida          - a bit
Black gram dhal  - 1/2 tsp
Bengal gram dhal - 1/2 tsp
Red gram    dhal    -1/2 tsp
(thru dhal)
Curry leaves         -1/2 tsp

Soak the tamarind in a cup of water and extract
the juice for about 1/2 it.
Add salt, sambar powder, curry leaves. Heat
a little oil. Add mustard seeds, when they cracks,
 and seeragam,dhals, asafetida and red chilies’. 
Fry them till golden brown and add to tamarind juice.
Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
 When the gravy gets thickened,
dissolve 1 tsp. rice flour in a little \
water and add. After five minutes, remove from the fire.
 (Vegetables like ladies finger, brinjal, onion
 can be added, if necessary.)

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